Welcome to the New Destination for Tennis in India

How it works

Get an estimate for your pre-owned Racquet

Place an order for Racquet Upgrade by paying a handling fee of Rs.250

An empty Racquet box will be sent to your address. Keep the pre-owned Racquet in the box. (2-3 days after placing order)

Our courier partner will pickup the box from your address. (1-2 days after receiving the box)

Once we receive the racquet, our expert team evaluates it physically and sends you an offer (2-4 days after pickup)

If you accept the offer, the amount is added as store credit to your TennisOutlet account. You can use store credit to place order for new racquet or any other product. (Immediate)

If you choose to decline the offer, we promptly return the racquet to you, and all shipping costs are on us. (2-5 days for delivery)

Additional Information

  1. Store credit can only be used to purchase products on TennisOutlet.in and can’t be withdrawn as cash
  2. We do not accept defective racquets with cracks or any other issues
  3. We do not accept Junior & Entry level Racquets
  4. We do not accept Racquets from brands other than Babolat, Wilson, Head, Yonex, Tecnifibre and Dunlop.

Program Partners

Get additional 5% off when you upgrade to racquet from these brands